Monday, 5 November 2012


Dylan Thomas meets Mr Ginsberg at the shops and they have a nice cuppa and a slice of lava bread look you

dazzling the co-op cheese eaters spinning
dorito stained cardies cool original
they are on special look you
and all the young dragons leaning
out of double glazed fit the best fit
chomolunggma scraping the sky
only fourteenninetynine from the
social i only watch it for jeremykyle
and maybe strictlycomebaking no
jim did not fix it for me and up up
above the grimdim city past the slow
black sloe black gimcrack nicknack
paddywack give a dogue a phone
trawlers bobbing daintily at ankor
what where when why
soon the sun scrapes over the
ancient granite cliffs pushing mist
past the chipwrappered promenade
peeping his photons between a million
curtains john lewis sale look you for our
gladwys' wedding woodland glade they
called them i am not sure but there we are
and mrs morgan's youngest myfanwy
sweetest child on the estate ran off to
london cwmdonkin park not good enough
for her littlemisstwinkletoes will come to a
bad end ifyouaskme and her eldest lily
is it now has five kids with eight dads look you
and she only sixteen whatwashermotherthinking
and in the chapel pebbledashed prayers
uttered rheumatically by the reverend
eli jenkins no relation mind
and please help the starving people
of america to choose a new president
and now the cereal is slapped
into the plasticbowls dishwasher safe
and milk semiskimmed is splashed
onto krispycocoweetapuffabix with
extra vitamins for healthy teeth and bones
and tea is poured from the sturdy
enameled pot which aunty maureen
brought back from her trip to conwy
with the womens' institute the lid is a bit
wonky mind but it does look nice next
to the royal wedding mugs

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