Monday 11 June 2012


Next Saturnday we are going to the Zoom
We feel the elefants and
Let the snakes bite us
And afterward we swim with the sharks
They each have a name i always go on
Betjeman and my partner ( sexual )
Goes on DH Lawrence although he
Ate a visitor the previous Wotansday
The shark not my partner because she
Is a) not a male man and b) does not
Eat people sensei stricto
I hope that is clear now
After sharkswim we go to the
Cafetière and have a luncheon
My partner (not business, sexual) always
Chooses dogfish eggs and seaweed yoghurt
I prefer the dish du jaw which is typically boiled mermaid
Or sailor bones in a jus of shipwreck and for dessert a sweet whelk clafoutis;
If we are driving we just have a couple of bouteilles of hausfrau,
Otherwise we stick to soffit drinks
Then thyme for a quick go
On the unicorn before we head haulm
We do not go every weak sometimes
We go to the nude rollerskating
Or maybe play hunt the slowworm
Behind the croquet pavilion

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