Thursday 20 September 2012

enter the dragon

It was a very big dragon
And required considerable subduing
But in due course it was overcome
And now lives quietly in my shed
At the bottom of the garden;
When the weather is clement
He sits in the greenhouse
And warms his scales;
He can still breathe fire
And last month ignited a fox which
Wandered too close to the shed
I had to remind him that the combustible
Nature of his quarters required him
To refrain from such igneous activities
If he wished to remain chez moi
He reluctantly agreed and now
Has taken up sudokus instead;
I have installed a telly
So he can watch daytime tv
And have promised to take
Him to Alton Towers if he behaves;
The children at the local primary school
Are doing a project on my dragon
And he is thrilled to be able to make
A positive contribution to our community;
His days of terrorising and marauding
Are in the past and with the exception
Of the odd fox and yappy dog he no
Longer incinerates his fellow creatures
And as for the maiden he was guarding ?
Reader I married her

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